Title: How to Operate Old-Style POS Machines with English InterfaceThe traditional point-of-sale (POS) machines, also known as cash register systems, have been widely used in retail businesses for decades. However, these devices often come with English interfaces that may be confusing for non-native speakers or those who are not familiar with the language. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to operate an old-style POS machine with an English interface.Firstly, locate the buttons or keys that correspond to different functions such as "enter" (to confirm), "cancel", "print", and "reset". Familiarize yourself with their meanings and locations so you can quickly access them when needed.Next, read the instructions provided by the manufacturer or refer to any manuals that came with the POS machine. These resources usually contain detailed explanations of each function and its usage.When using the POS machine for transactions, carefully enter the amount of the purchase and select the appropriate payment method (e.g. credit card, cash, or check). Be mindful of any currency conversion rates if necessary.After completing the transaction, press the "enter" button to confirm the details and print a receipt if requested. If there are any errors or issues, press the "cancel" button to return to the main screen and correct them before proceeding with another transaction.In summary, operating an old-style POS machine with an English interface requires familiarity with its buttons or keys, reading the provided instructions or manuals, entering accurate information during transactions, and being able to handle any errors or issues that may arise. With practice and patience, anyone can learn how to use this essential tool effectively in a retail setting.
随着科技的发展,移动支付和电子支付已经逐渐取代了传统的现金支付,在这个过程中,POS机(Point of Sale)作为一种重要的商业设备,也在不断地进行升级和改造,对于一些使用老式POS机的用户来说,他们可能会遇到一个问题:这些POS机的界面是英文的,如何进行操作呢?本文将为您介绍如何在老式POS机的英文界面上进行基本的操作。
- CC:Credit Card(信用卡)
- CVV:Card Verification Value(卡验证值)
- CID:Transaction ID(交易ID)
- IPDS:Interchange Rate(汇率)
- TTD:Terminal Transaction Description(终端交易描述)
- PIN:Personal Identification Number(个人身份识别号)
- CCD:Card Contact Data(卡片接触数据)
- IIN:Issuer Identification Number(发行机构识别号)
- CVC:Card Security Code(卡安全码)
- EFT:Electronic Fund Transfer(电子转账)
- AVS:Address Verification System(地址核实系统)
- BIN:Bank Identification Number(银行识别号)
- Swipe/Diners Club/Discover/MasterCard/Visa:各种信用卡的品牌名称
在选择完银行卡或信用卡后,您需要输入交易金额,这个金额会显示在屏幕上的“Enter Amount”框中,输入金额后,如果您的账户支持交易密码保护功能,则需要输入相应的密码,请注意,密码区分大小写,在输入密码时,请勿让其他人看到您的屏幕内容。